Red dot on the body

Posted by Tofuman 11 yrs ago
Recent I got so many red dots on my body and doctor said this is eczema. After taking the drugs doctor prescribed, those dots have been alleviated, but I feel very tired when having these drugs.

How should I do?

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dolinho1997 11 yrs ago
you should ask the doctor instead......

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Anna Wally 11 yrs ago
Better apply eczema ointment regularly and start to have eczema diet. These will probably help to healtheillness.

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Rosso129 11 yrs ago
My mum and I had suffered terribly from eczema sinceI was a kid. We use Chinese traditional therapy to DIY herbal mask.

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hanaee 11 yrs ago
So coincident!Recently Iapplied a DIYChineseherbal skincare course.

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pampamc 11 yrs ago
I used to have such problem. At that time,drugs are useless to me.
Then I tried to put some lotion on my body after bathing everyday.
I had also drunk herbal tea once two weeks.
These are ways how I get rid of red dots

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whatever whatever 11 yrs ago
avoid direct sun light if you can, keep the area dry and sweat free. Our bodies and skin change, once you have mastered how to deal with it, it wont bother you anymore. I have the same problem, but now its manageable

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Tofuman 11 yrs ago
I do also have red dots on my face. Would the DIY herbal skincare course be nice? I would like to apply it as well!

I work in office with long working hours. So, I don't have the chance to meet sun light, but I am really thankful for your advice.

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hanaee 11 yrs ago
The course still does not start yet, but I know the tutor is a famous Chinese medical practitioner and skincare expert called Dr. Hoi I Cheng. I heard from my friends that many singers and movie stars would seek for her diagnosis.

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carol-ong 10 yrs ago
I used to have the red dots on the body and sought help from both doctor and Chinese medical practitioner. After attaching the herbal on the body and sleeping early, I got well quickly.

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