Posted by chadhawse 10 yrs ago
I am in search of a cpm machine for my knee. I shattered my tibial plateau 8 months ago and had surgery and all of the treatment that goes along with that. My range hasn't come back the way it should and Im desperate to try anything. If someone has a cpm machine for me to rent or buy it would be greatly appreciated. I am athlete or at least I was and need help!

desperate mountain biker.

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Arkay 9 yrs ago
Hi! I had a similar situation back in the mid-1990s, when I cratered the bottom of my femur by falling a few feet onto a locked knee. Queen Mary had me on a CPM machine for a bit, before transferring me to a rehab center, but the facilities were so over-demanded that I was released long before I got back full ROM. I found a way to get it back without any CPM machine, and it was actually faster and with a lot less pain and suffering. Contact me if you are still having trouble, and I'll be happy to meet up and explain the solution to you (at no charge).

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