Crohn's disease help

Posted by Vikingchicky 9 yrs ago
My husband and I are thinking of moving to Hong Kong in the next few years. I have Crohn's disease and want to try to find a good herbal doctor and western doctor to help me with this disease. I am on Humira now and took Cimzia in the past. I actually want to go back to Cimzia just take it more often. Does anyone know if these drugs are available in Homg Kong, how much they cost and if there are any insurance plans I can get with this précis ting condition. If we move to Hong Kong we will no longer have our health coverage, so I need to make sure I have something. Also if "Krips" reads this post I would love to know more about the bitter herb you used from India for your UC.

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zeni 8 yrs ago
Hi Vikingchicky,

I am not a patient with this disease, but I know there is a patient group in Hong Kong for helping patients with Crohn's. You may want to contact them to be linked up to the info you're looking for:

The Hong Kong Crohns and Colitis Society

On another note, I am doing a freelance project and would need to recruit a few patients with Crohn's (& a few patients with ulcerative colitis) in Hong Kong to review the texts of a Chinese questionnaire these few weeks. Would you happen to be in Hong Kong and speak Chinese please? Feel free to contact me if you are, or please feel free to pass this info to anyone who may be interested. Below is the link for more information.

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