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5 yrs ago
Marijuana for medical use has been approved in Thailand... can full legalization be far behind?
What implications would the potential exporting of high grade marijuana from a low cost production country have for companies in places like Canada that are going public?
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5 yrs ago
These are the Countries Most Likely to Legalize Weed Next
Mexico? Likely. India? Not so much.
In October 2018, Canada became the second country after Uruguay—and the first G7 nation—to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. Led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, politicians took the plunge largely to reduce underage access to weed.
So who's next? To formulate some well-educated predictions, we spoke to an ace team of weed experts who have been on the frontline of reform, from region to region, for decades. Come with us as we peek into our bud-crusted crystal ball:
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