The Problem with High-Intensity Training HIIT Classes

Posted by Ed 5 yrs ago
High Intensity Training classes which involve 30 minutes of extremely intense exercise with very short breaks between exercises, are all the rage these days at fitness centres across the world including in Hong Kong.

PURE Fitness, which operates Hong Kong's most popular chain of fitness centres with expats offers HIIT classes at his various branches

A new study out of Rutgers University indicates that while HIIT training can dramatically improve one's fitness, the risk of injuries particularly to knees and shoulders, dramatically increase when engaging in this sort of training.

Injuries are particularly pronounced when people engage in HIIT training without supervision.

The moral of the story is ... don't give up HIIT training but make sure you choose a gym in Hong Kong with experienced trainers --- make sure you have supervision to make sure you are doing the exercises correctly --- and don't over train.

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Ed 5 yrs ago
Let's have a look at a couple of HIIT Classes

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