Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME

Posted by chichika 5 yrs ago
Is there anyone with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)? Or someone with chronic pain? Unexplained condition that makes you chronically sick or weak? Or you're in the healthcare sector?
The reason I'm asking because I'm trying to create a community (as it doesn't seem to be one already) of CFS/ME sufferers in Hong Kong.

For those who are don't know the condition, here is a little bit of overview:
It's a condition that affects approx. 20 millions of life worldwide, 2.5 million alone in the US and 2 million in the EU. In Hong Kong, it's estimated that up to 10.7% of the population is affected.It's a condition that is often unaware of, misdiagnosed, misunderstood, no accurate test to diagnose (though I heard there's some good news lately). It's not simply feeling tired. But it's a debilitating disease that make a perfectly healthy person severely sick and even bed-bound for decades.

I'm organising Hong Kong's first #MillionsMissing event, joining one of the 100 hosting cities worldwide throughout this week and major events take place on 12 May (World CFS day).

If you know someone that is a #CFS / #ME sufferer, please do share with them about the event, especially the ones in Hong Kong (And many other locations. Details on the site).

Date: 12 May 2019
Time: 12pm-2pm
Location: Central, Ferry Pier No. 6, Hong Kong

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Thank you you all for attention!
Can DM me for questions or ask here.

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