The Profound Consequences of Trauma and Insomnia

Posted by Ed 22 mths ago
A summary of my preferred methods for treating trauma, insomnia, and unresolved emotions.
One of the things I am constantly amazed by is how little events in people’s childhood (e.g., someone being mean to them or not reciprocating their affection) can shape their unconscious mind and then ripple out and dictate the course of the individual’s life. Not surprisingly, more traumatic events can have much larger consequences, and as Gabor Maté showed in his book about the lived experiences of many drug addicts he worked with, those events can create profound alternations in the individual’s nervous system which make it difficult if not impossible to live a normal life.
As the years have gone by, the medical field and society fortunately have gradually become more open to the idea that previous trauma can profoundly impact an individual’s life and that it is a national priority to find ways to address it. I believe this has been primarily due to the military being forced to confront the costs of the PTSD created by its recent wars in the Middle East and the recent pivotal ACEs study, which quantified the profound impact of early childhood events on health outcomes throughout one’s life span. The CDC, for example (yes the CDC), when discussing ACEs (childhood traumas), states that:

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Ed 22 mths ago
Emotional Health in the Age of Disconnection
Perspectives on emotional integration and holistic psychiatry. 

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