Why Are Antidepressants So Harmful?

Posted by Ed 15 mths ago
Story at a Glance:

•SSRI antidepressants are one of the most harmful medications on the market, and because of just how many people they are given to (often for no good reason) they have had a profound effect on the consciousness of our entire society.

•This article will review some of the more common side effects of SSRIs (and SNRIs), such as becoming numb to life, becoming severely agitated and imbalanced (sometimes to the point one becomes violently psychotic), losing your mind, losing the ability to have sex, and the development of birth defects.

•Unfortunately, due to widespread denial in psychiatry about the issues with their drugs the common SSRI side effects are often misinterpreted as a sign the individual had a pre-existing mental illness and needs more of the drug—which all too often then leads to catastrophic events for the over-medicated patient.

•Like many other stimulant drugs (e.g., cocaine) SSRIs are highly addictive. Because of this, patients will get severely ill when they attempt to stop them (withdrawals affect roughly half of SSRI users) and it is often extremely difficult to withdraw from them. In this article, I will cover the approaches I know for that since very few resources exist for people in that situation.

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Ed 14 mths ago
How Big Pharma Sold Depression and Its Treatment to the World
Why antidepressants fail many patients and a review of the forgotten cures for depression

Story at a Glance:

•After the SSRIs were developed, their manufacturers realized the population needed to be convinced they were suffering from depression so as many people as possible would buy their drugs.
•The tricks the drug industry used to perform this were remarkable and have many parallels to how the predatory pharmaceutical industry pushes many other drugs on us.
•While a minority of patients (about a third) benefit from antidepressant therapy, the majority do not (termed “treatment resistant depression”), but unfortunately, until recently there have been minimal options available for these patients.
•Much of this results from depression being viewed as a single illness, rather than a myriad of conditions with somewhat overlapping symptoms.
•In this article I will discuss the most effective non-pharmaceutical approaches I and my colleagues have come across for treating depression.

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