Malnutrition in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Posted by Ed 7 mths ago
If you are obese or overweight you are malnourished.
Malnutrition in chronic fatigue syndrome
Lucy’s story

Running her own health store and working as a therapeutic masseuse at night became too much for Lucy, a 26 year old vegetarian. She had seen a number of doctors, psychologists and even a psychiatrist to try to sort out why she was so irritable, tired and depressed and unable to function the way she had in the past.
She had no obvious signs of any serious medical illness and no relevant past history except that her mother suffered from pernicious anaemia in her early 40s. Pernicious anaemia is a killer disease which occurs as a consequence of the body’s inability to absorb adequate amounts of vitamin B12 from the diet. It is treated by the monthly injection of lOOOmg of vitamin B12.
Many medical scientists now believe that pernicious anaemia is an expression of a malfunctioning immune and gastrointestinal system with a tendency for these malfunctions to run in families. Lucy’s blood tests showed a vitamin B12 level at the lower level of normal. She was not actually deficient in vitamin 812, but the low level was probably responsible for her fatigue, anxiety and depression. Shortly after Lucy’s first injection of vitamin B12 her energy levels zapped up dramatically to what they had been. She required an injection of B12 weekly to maintain her energy levels.
It was also discovered that dried apricots were another cause of Lucy’s fatigue. Experimentation and elimination of apricot products revealed that Lucy was not allergic to apricots but to the sulphite preservatives used in the drying process. It is interesting to note here that the enzymes required to detoxify the body of sulphites are vitamin B12 dependent. Lucy’s fatigue improved even further when sulphites were eliminated, as much as possible, from her environment and diet.
Lucy continued to require vitamin B12 injections every month to six weeks to maintain a level of wellness conducive to her active lifestyle.
How many times have you heard it said that if you eat a well- balanced standard diet you will obtain all of the nutrients necessary for good health? Until recently, most doctors and dieticians sincerely believed that this was the truth.
However, hard scientific evidence has recently shown that over 150 different medical conditions are associated with multiple nutritional deficiency states. Many of these conditions are directly or indirectly the result of poor diet and have been shown to be responsive to a change in diet and nutritional supplementation. The following list clearly illustrates those who are at risk of m alnutrition.

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