Pituitary Gland Tumor

Posted by Anonymous 20 yrs ago
My friend has been diagnosed with a small (5mm) non-cancerous pituitary tumor in the early stages and has been given bromocriptine to shrink it. She is told that in over 90% of the cases this medication is successful in treating such a disease.

Will she have to take this medication forever or will it evenutally get rid of the tumor completely?

From what I see on the net it seems she will have to continue to take in smaller doses once it shrinks to keep it from regrowing. This medication has some strong side effects that she is experiencing. If she keeps taking it forever will this effect her life span or cause other illnesses?

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Dr Moreton 20 yrs ago
The dose needed to shrink it is much larger than the long term maintainance dose. At the lower dose there are rarely side effects.

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Anonymous 20 yrs ago
Thanks - I will pass on this very reassuring message!!!!

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