Chinese medicine& Western medicine

Posted by wjml 20 yrs ago
What's the superiority of the Chinese medicine? (compared with the Western medicine)

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docboat 20 yrs ago
It is not a question of superiority - it is effective and useful. The question is - is it appropriate for me? Is it appropriate for this time? And what else do I need to be doing for my health?

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wjml 20 yrs ago
docboat, would you please explain more about your opinion?

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docboat 20 yrs ago
Certainly. Medical care - western medicine - is arrogant enough to believe that all outside its understanding is quackery, or at best a placebo. Others maintain that only TCM is good enough, and western medicine is poison.

The number 4 cause if death in the USA is "properly prescribed medicine which has been properly administered" - so you can see that they may have a point about poisoning. On the other hand, western medicine has saved many lives.

The real issue is not whether TCM works or not - it certainly does - but whether any particular medical approach is best suited for your needs at this time.

But you first of all need to be doing what you can to either maintain your health, or return to health - and that means that you need to have taken responsibility for health in these areas: mental, nutritional and exercise health. When, then, you notice health issues arise, you need a practitioner who understands the broad spectrum of health choices available, and who can then advise you on the best course of action for you at this moment.

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docboat 20 yrs ago
double-blind, placebo controlled etc etc. Only about 25% of the medications work for any particular person (internal insight admitted before grand committee in public by - I think it was a Glaxo head honcho? - and prescribed medications being #4 cause of death at 120,000 deaths pa in the USA alone, and doctors for the most part ignorant of pharmacology in detail, and who know absolutely nothing about nutritiuon and exercise .... western medicine has done a lot of good over the last century, but it is only part of a larger health approach, and is not the exclusive domain of good medicine.

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wjml 20 yrs ago
Now, people are familiar with western medicine, we have enough knowledge about it and even can foresee which disease it can or can not cure in the next decade.

But we don't know much about TCM, which has been existing for thousands of years.(Just as we don't know our bodies and the world entirely.)How does TCM benefit our health?

We may share some experiences and prescriptions.

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