What Are the Priorities of the Healthcare Industry?

Posted by Ed 22 mths ago
A recent private conference exposed how the FDA is supporting Big-Pharma profiting off of Alzheimer's and obesity.
Story at a Glance:

•The pharmaceutical industry prioritizes developing incompletely effective medications since they can be sold to patients much longer than an effective treatment that cures their illness. Because of this, a systemic bias against developing effective therapies has existed for decades.

•The field of Alzheimer’s research has been plagued with scandals, and despite receiving billions for research, it has failed to produce a treatment for the disease (conversely, proven treatments for the condition have already been discovered by independent researchers). FDA has recently had some very questionable drug approvals for Alzheimer’s drugs that were quite dangerous, exorbitantly expensive, and ineffective for treating the disease.

•A recent private industry conference (which sets the tone for the healthcare industry) had the current FDA commissioner as a featured speaker. This conference declared Alzheimer’s disease and obesity were two of the most profitable upcoming markets and encouraged investors to take advantage of the opportunities offered by these new medical franchises.

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