Swollen, burning hands at night. Help!

Posted by Tidings 2 18 yrs ago
Well, I hope I can solve it for you - I had something similar in my hands and feet and it is my under active thyroid. I'm on simple cheap meds now and it is all taken care of. My GP was able to diagnose it quickly.

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Tidings 2 18 yrs ago
I did not have all the symptoms either being on Thyroxine has completely stopped the hand and feet swelling and tha hot feeling. I've lost 10 lbs as well. I also had some swelling in my face and neck.

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dasia 18 yrs ago
Also give a thought to taking the Bio identical thyroid medication. It is taken from the pig's throat. Much better for you and better results than the chemical thyroxine. Unfortunately it is only available in Hong Kong by applying for a licence to import but it is easily availbe in the UK and Australia through a compounding chemist on prescription.

No probelm bringing it into HK or even receiving it through the post.

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joga 18 yrs ago
Hypothyroidism causes and intolerance for cold so you wouldn't be feeling a hot sensation in your hands you would be feeling cold all the time. Graves disease (hyperthroidism) would leave you feeling hot. Women often mistake syptoms of hyperthyroidism for menopause. I know someone who suffers from lupus who's symptoms started out somewhat similar to the way you describe. In fact she was intially misdiagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. A lot of auto immune and other diseases go undiagnosed for a long time so keep going back to the doctor and if need be suggest specific things you want to be tested for. Be persistant if you feel something is wrong with you and don`t be put off by doctors who don't want to investigate.

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Claire 18 yrs ago
So you can worry about everything/anything...


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MrsC 18 yrs ago
Hi foolonahill.

Did the Dr's examine you for carpal tunnel syndrome? Sounds like a possibility. A nerve conduction test will tell you the answer.

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hotandbothered 18 yrs ago
It depends on so many different factors: eg your age, sex and what medications you are on. You should see a good doctor, mine does get to the bottom of things, his phone no. is 28497822.

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banmenot 18 yrs ago
That is dr Stirlings number. He is wonderful. Very caring but expensive so be prepared.

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