I know it is your choice and it is yr decision, bocz the baby belongs to you and you are responsible for it.
I can give you the answer for 1 of your question that ::: abortion is pricelss, after you die u wont be able to pay its price.
Because your Lord, who have created you from nth will question you that why did you do such a merciless act? just think if you were on the place of yr baby would u like yr mom to abort you? certainly you wont.
I truly understand that you hav decided for aboration becoz of valid reasons otherwise no mother can be so merciless to her baby. Pls, think for a while that there are some people who can't consive and they long for them, just liek I am.
What ever the stution is just believe in God that He will help you, whatever the reason may be. Even if you are not married or even whatever reason it be, just give birth to the baby and InshaAllah, Allah will help you in every way.
i know following the good way is hard but there is much Good in following.
I hope you can understand, my duty was only to advise you and choice is all yours.
but pls dont let anyone force you, may he be your boyfriend or anyone else, pls think very carefully b4 you take this step. one of my friend he did abortion and now she cannt consive she has been married for 1 year and now she is loging to have a baby.
May Allh guide you
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Looks like that 'no preaching' request really worked....
I can't help you on the Macau side of things, but maybe calling the HK Family Planning Clinic (I know there is one based in Wanchai) may shed some light on the subject for you. I am sure there will be someone there that can help you find what you need.
Take care.
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kakakuku000, you really need to grow up and go away.
You don't know the personal situation that this person is in. The pregnancy could be the result of a one night stand with contraceptives that went wrong or an asault.
YOU have no right to pass judgement on HER decission.
The world is already so overpopulated that it's a blessing that women are able to CHOOSE to take responsibility for how many babies they put into the world.
I know a few situations very close to me.... where the parents of 2 handicapped children (one autistic and one with mild CP) became pregnant again even though they were using contraceptives, and terminated due to just not having the enegy or resources to have another baby. I know another woman who was drugged and raped and terminated the resulting pregnancy. I know another family who at their 14 week ultrasound found out that the baby they'd been trying to have for a long time had major heart and other organ defects that would have meant it probably never would have been able to leave the hospital and at best would have lived a couple of months...do I judge them...not at all.
I've personally been very lucky that my contraception has never failed and that we fell pregnant with a perfect and healthy baby in the 1st month we tried but not everyone is so fortunate.
hkg111, I can't offer you any advice but I hope you find the outcomes you need and I wish you all the best. You could perhaps try the Macau advice forums of asiaxpat and you might have better luck.
Please excuse the poor, stupid fools that hink it's their right to tell you, a stranger to them, what's right for you. They deserve our pity.
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