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20 yrs ago
Did you go to a western doctor? Don't know, but have I possibly heard there may be a shot you can take to make it have shorter duration? Hosanna, my only fear is that the water may have bacteria that could get into the open wounds (I don't know why else a doctor would say no bath, or is it just Chinese folk tale)? Rach, If you can soak in a tub of water, a bath with oatmeal helps too. In the U.S. the product is sold as "Aveeno" bath but basically you can put rolled oats in a sock, tie off the sock, and then put the bag in the bath to make a big tea of it. Adding epsom salt to the bath is also soothing. If you only have a few spots, good, but be prepared for more. I think my husband used the zovirax cream when he had an outbreak of shingles (same virus) but not sure what the Chinese name would be? Also, be sure to stay away from any adults who may not have had the illness, especially men and pregnant women! I've just been told it can affect men more generally in very sensitive places, and also have very bad effects on an unborn baby. Hope your case is very mild, as would be the case if you had it as a child or were vaccinated and didn't develop complete immunity.
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This is the first I've ever heard about limiting diet while having chicken pox. Also, the instant kind of oats seem to work a bit better because they are more powdery. I really like the idea of using an antiseptic cream or something on any that might be at risk of getting infected. My daughter only has one scar, and it was from one that got infected.
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