Community Mental Health Movement

Posted by Johnco 18 yrs ago
Hello Hong Kong expatriates,

I will go out on a limb by what I am about to propose;but before you dis me,give my idea some thought.

I am interested in setting up a mental awareness movement in Hong Kong.After doing research and communicating with expatriate Psychologists-psychotherapists etc,they concluded with; and informed me that there are no self-help mental awareness organisations present in Hong Kong.

The group I am suggesting-proposing to establish; with the kudos and know how of other expatriates will be non-denominational and open to all members of the English speaking community.I say English speaking because it is only logical that individuals be able to express their needs and concerns in English.However,all sectors of society-community are welcome.

The aim of the group is to make people aware of their mental needs to improve and ultimately make informed decisions about taking further steps so they can then get on the road to mental recovery.

This is a non-profit and anti-discriminatory group that would meet once a week at informal sessions under the strictest confidence.I am hoping to meet likeminded people who would like to meet and or discuss this idea.

Essentially,it operates a bit like AA where people come in to discuss and become aware of their personal-psychological dilemmas.It would attract individuals who suffer from,Depression,Anxiety disorder,Bi-polar disorder,schizophrenia etc.It is not psychological support as such as that is the job of a psychologist.Essentially the group is a bridge between,pyschologist and freinds.However,instead of talking to your freinds you have a psychologist or a mental health group to suppport your needs.

I got this idea from GROW International.Google this and you get the idea.

If there are any interested parties wanting to attend such a group I would be more than happy to be of assistance,however,I am not a psychologist as I have my needs and issues to discuss too.

I am hoping we can meet once a week for 2-3 hours on the weekend or otherwise.Trust me this can change the way you view life.I hope to be in contact with people soon.

In the mean time take care and have a great evening.

Please note.This is a non-profit self funded idea where the group could meet one a week at a cafe or public library discussion room so anonymity is respected.

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Johnco 18 yrs ago
Apologies for the typographical errors.I did wish there were an edit button on this forum-site.

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Claire 18 yrs ago
"I did wish there were an edit button on this forum-site. "

There is. You can edit after posting.

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matches 17 yrs ago
Hi Johnco,

this sounds like a great idea. I'm interested and would like to come to something like this. Please let me know more. I know this is an old post but can you fill me in if any group has been set up?

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