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15 yrs ago
I have 6cm fibroid and a few smaller ones. I have been advised by my GP to consider hysterectomy. I am close to 49 years and never had children. Has anyone had a hysterectomy? I read from an earlier thread that it may not be necessary to go for the procedure since it helps doctors to buy BMWs. I am sure no-one would like to go for a procedure unless it is absolutely necessary. I do intend of course to seek a second opinion but please could I have some advice and recommendations as to a reasonably priced hospital and a an experienced gynae etc who had done such procedures. If anyone had undergone hysterectomy, please share your experience with me like how long is the recovery period?
Thank you.
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I can't say who might be the best surgeon in HK, but there is a proceedure where they can take away the fibroid (sometimes-depending on where it is in the uterus), by dividing it from the uterine wall.
Would you still be intending to maybe try and have children? that could be a thought to consider, if the answer is no, then consider a hysterectomy.
They either do an abdominal incision, or there is a way they can remove the uterus throught the vagina.
I had the big abdo incision, 29yrs ago in UK when I was just 28, it was uncomfortable afterwards for maybe 10days, then I had to take things easy, no lifting etc, for 3 months, but it was the best thing I ever had done, I never regret it, my severe anaemia improved I felt lively again,
As to relationships afterwards, an older lady in the same ward said to me at the time, don't worry luv, it will be like having a play area and no nursery, guess what she was right!
So if you want to find a surgeon here, I cannot help you with that, no need for Gynae people now, Yeh! but ask them about the various options here in HK about the type of surgery options available, the surgeons here are some of the best.
Good luck and don't worry.
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Thanks for the reply. No, I don't intend to have children so it is an easier choice for me. Was concern of the cost involved, recovery period and whether there is a real need to do it. Is there a minimum period of time after the surgery that you are not allowed to travel?
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It would be better to phone maybe The Matilda hospital, and ask them about a surgical package 'deal' for hysterectomy, Depending on which surgical proceedure your surgeon chooses would determine the length of stay and cost of op., and would also determine when you could travel.
Just as an example my husband had a laproscopic removal of gall bladder with a hernia repair, and was back at work- his decision- not the doctors, the week after surgery, then the following week after that he had a busines trip flight, he just avoided lifting and was fine.
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Other than cost, I think you should consider the side effecs of hysterectomy (if it is a total one i.e. ovaries are removed too). You go into menopause without the ovaries, experience low sex drive, dryness, bone density loss and all the menopausal symptoms. If you can delay the surgery and wait for natural menopause, that would be ideal. Didn't do mine in HK but did get a few HK doctors' opinion. Did it in Singapore. The doctors there are patient and take the time to explain and prepare the patient. Plus they generally converse better in english, so more two way conversation. I know a few friends who have fibroids and for them the fibroids shrink after menopause - so their advice is to let them be if you can. But each person has different set of circumstances, go for more than 2 opinions. I went to at least 4 doctors' opinions before deciding on it.
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Say No to Hysterectomies
I really enjoy following your informative website and want to share with you my opinion about hysterectomies.
A hysterectomy, which is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus, has long been seen as a permanent solution for many recurring medical issues, such as persistent vaginal bleeding, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis.
American women undergo twice as many hysterectomies per capita as British women and four times as many as Swedish women.
But many of these hysterectomies, even up to 85%, are unnecessary.
Do your part to stop unnecessary hysterectomies
Now you can do your part to stop unnecessary hysterectomies! Add this web badge to voice your opposition to unnecessary hysterectomies and encourage women to become more educated about alternative treatment options.
Please share this hope with your readers and followers.
Barbara Stone
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You might like to read this link by Dr Christiane Northrup;
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I would consider hormonal and nutritional imbalances with fibroids, there is alot of research out there indicating this already, if you want to review this before undergoing the operation, you can get more information from a clinic I know, LIFE Clinic in Queens road central, they can identify the biochemical imbalances causing the expertise of the anti-aging physician specialising in hormones and the nutritionist. If you want to follow up there, the number is 2881 8131.
good luck
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I would like to share my experience regarding with my fibroids. I have known my multiple fibroids since 2009 when I was working in Dubai. After my last consultation and MRI in 2009, I've never gone for any consultation. When I came here in Hong Kong last year, I had terrible pain on my lower abdomen, affecting my urination and bowel movement. It took me 1 year to go for a consultation until my husband booked a doctor's appointment. I had consulted 3 specialist doctors. The first one was with Dr. Sonia Lee who recommended hysterectomy as I got multiple fibroids...the biggest was 12.5cm. I am not convinced as I didn't want to remove my uterus. Then, I went with Dr. Robert Stevenson. He discussed the different methods of removing the fibroids but didn't recommend any. I felt that he is not confident or interested so search for another specialist on fibroids. And finally, I found Dr. Selina Pang who did my open myomectomy and D&C. By the way, among the three doctors I have been, she was the only one who successfully did pap smear (the other 2 doctors didn't able to do it as my big fibroids was blocking my organs).
The surgery done by Dr. Selina Pang was a big success. She was able to remove the 12.5cm fibroid plus another 6 small ones. I was able to saved my uterus. I was able to walk on my 2nd day of surgery without any need of taking pain reliever after removal of catheter. I was out of the hospital (Hong Kong Adventist Hospital - Stubbs Road) after 3 days. Another amazing thing was, after my wound was healed (which was after 10 days of surgery), the scar is just a if it was just a sort of small scratch.
Some doctors are recommending hysterectomy for fibroids of 6cm size and above as they are not confident to do myomectomy. Dr. Selina Pang allowed me to choose from open myomectomy or laparoscoy and I selected open myomectomy. I would say that my decision was the best one I had. I am fibroids and pain free now. I was able to go back to my normal life.
For those who have the fibroids problem, I highly recommend Dr. Selina Pang. You may contact her at +852 2323 0268.
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