I would like to get Veneers done, I am just wondering if people have had it done in HK, how much it was? and where to go?
I am not really interested in going to Thailand or anywhere.
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i had them done - by dr warren cheng in central - 25262628 very reasonable prices - will try to dig up the exact amount and let you know - had 6 of them done - one of them cracked soon after but he replaced it no worries (can happen to anyone!) nice guy - i have a dentist phobia and he makes me feel v comfortable which is amazing!
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Thanks if you could let me know the price i would be greatful. I think i might only need 2 veneers but then get whitening done as well.
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it was something like 2200 each tooth - i had 6... i asked about whitening too but he didnt recommend it - said best to match to your natural colour - or maybe get whitening done first - however you will keep having to have this done otherwise your veneers could end up a different colour?!
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what is the process for veneers? and the recovery time? I have a badly coloured crown right in front and all my teeth are discolured from a flouride problem in the water back home. I want to have all the front "smile" teeth veneered if that is the best option. Charlie are your porcelain veneers? Are they permanent and will the colour remain the same? I'm getting married next year so I have a time limit too!
Any advice would be appreciated.
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yep - they are porcelain, they "shave" off the front part of your teeth and take am impression, then after about 10 days you go back to put them on. those 10 days are ok - your teeth just feel a bit wierd ad thin..and can be sensitive but otherwise ok. only part that hurt was when they cleaned the sensitive teeth before putting on veneers....but not too bad!
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Mike smith dentists are good. They are from NZ, I had 4 veneers done few months ago by Dr Sandy Jain. The no. is 25222099 and they are in LKF Central.
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Jesus Prices have doubled !! 4500 per tooth in Hong Kong now
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The price for crowns is a shocker too....I can't believe it sometimes when I get quotes.
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I know the original thread asks for info about veneer work in HK, and not elsewhere...but since we're on the subject and I am thinking of getting veneer work done myself...I have found the prices in HK to be much more than the neighbouring countries like Thailand and the Phillipines.
I have heard from people who have had their dental work done in Thailand and said the work is first rate at a fraction of the cost in the West.
Has anyone had any veneer work done in either of these 2 countries? and can you comment on the work and the prices.
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18 yrs ago
Thought about having veneers too, however prices seem a bit steep.
How much has anyone been charged for whitening? Either the laser type or the gum shield and paste method?
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I paid 7000.00 at Dr Costello abt 2 years ago for the laser whitening. They tray whitening was 2400.00 several yeats ago, not sure what it is now.
There are lots of places doing whitening now for far far less.
It only lasts abt a year and a half but wonderful results for me.
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17 yrs ago
FYI: I had my teeth cleaned at bumrungrad yesterday and asked out of curiosity (have tons of chipped teeth from ice hockey days...) - cost is about USD300 per tooth to do a veneer. There are apparently different types of veneers - some are pre-made and cheaper (inferior as well) and others are custom made tooth by tooth. The $300 is for the custom jobs.
Problem with veneers the dentist told me is that they are delicate and you have to change the way you eat (be prepared to cut apples in pieces rather than bite into them with your front teeth) or they will break off...
Sounds like a hassle... so looks like I wont come back with Tom Cruise smile eh...
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Good reply.
I'm sure you still have a great smile...ha
I have just posted a new thread asking about Implants done at the Dental Clinics in Bangkok.
So if you have any info please jump over their and reply.
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