mucus in throat troubling alot

Posted by hkg2008 16 yrs ago
I moved to HK last year, healthy and good life style. from september this year whole month I am having trouble with throat only. There is no running nose. Throat gets dry and its get fill up by mucus and I have frequenty swallowed it down to clear the throat. I am unable to sleep well at night. I have seen GP twice. once gave me normal medicine and other gave to KELFEX antibiotic and couph serup to cure the throat. that didn't work yet. Also I am trying to get pregnent also this month and very worry about this throat issue. what I should do any advice will be appreciated.

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neenib 16 yrs ago
It's called pollution! I have never had a sinus problem in my life until I moved to HK. Now i suffer sinus all the time. I also have a "tickly" throat all the time from being in air conditioning. Keflex won't do a thing because more than likely there is no infection. The doctors hand out antibiotics like lollies over here.

You best bet is to buy an air purifier for your home, ours in on 24/7. a small one in each of our kids' rooms and one large one for the family room. It does make a difference. My daughter was constantly coughing until we bought a purifier for her room.

I also suggest to get an oil burner and get good quality eucalyptus oil (Julique have good quality oils), that will freshen the room and make things much clearer.

Other than that, welcome to Hong Kong. I can't wait for xmas when we go home for a holiday in the fresh air!

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Janicka 16 yrs ago
Go and see a homeopath and they will help you..It worked for me and it is safe while getting pregnant or already being pregnant..I go to IMI clinic in Stanley Rd in Central..

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hkg2008 16 yrs ago
dear friends thanks for replys. what i did notice this month that through out the day I am busy with house work and don't notice the mucus that much. but at night as soon i lay on bed few hours laters its start bothering me and I am unable to sleep due to this mucus and dry throat. I had tried ginger boil in water with honey. that didn't work that work. any other advise we be really appreciated.

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