Recurring Tummy Ache

Posted by Claire 20 yrs ago
Could be psychosomatic. Is this happening on certain days? Mondays? Test days? Sports days? I thinking of stress here. Sometimes it's necessary to look beyond the physical, although the physical is usually easier to treat.

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Matilda 20 yrs ago
It seems that you are on the right track for investigations. Discuss with your doctor the possible causes, and how to prove, or more importantly

disprove these. Once you have worked out there are no serious problems, it is worth looking at the more mundane causes of abdominal pains: The most

common problem in teenagers is probably their dietary habits; it is worth keeping an eye on the contents of his different meals (and snacks!) as these

may be contributory to constipation. Keeping a diary of diet and activities, to include the daily intake of fluids, may highlight a dietary problem. If not already done so, this may be a good opportunity to talk 'healthy diet'

Abdominal migraine (ie headache of the tummy) may be considered. Again keeping a diary may highlight a migraine type pattern.

Resident Medical Officer

Matilda International Hopsital

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