Ivf with Dr Rose Tse and Victory Lab

Posted by Cherub2 12 yrs ago

I have read a lot of advise via postings on this website relating to ivf. However, I did not come across much info relating to Dr Rose Tse. Understand that there are many infertility docs in Hong Kong but I have previously consulted with Dr Rose who uses Victory Lab for the procedure and am seriously considering to go ahead with ivf. Before I proceed, I would appreciate any feedback from anyone who has had any previous successful or unsuccessful experience with her and Victory Lab.

As I am fast approaching 42 and with confirmed Endo, my chances are pretty slim and would certainly hope increase my chances by selecting the right doctor and lab for this.


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mrmw 12 yrs ago
Hi. My first son (born in 2009) was "created" in Victory Lab (with a different doctor). I have just had my second son at the age of 43. Goodluck. I know how tough it is.

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