
Posted by twinkletoes 17 yrs ago
Hello. In brief, after quite severe PND some five years ago, I have found myself quite suseptible to anxiety - bouts occurring about every year and lasting for say, six months, until I start to feel better, and also with the help of one low dose benzodiazapine (Xanax) at some time during the day when I feel the worst. This dose brings to baseline functioning and gets me thru the low point (occurring at different times each day).

I am not a "basket case" with the pill. Just cope better and feel more motivated as a result. My dr and I have been comtemplating antidepressants (one that acts on anxiety too). Zoloft (strelazine?). Any info on your experience or friends experience would be greatly appreciated. I feel as tho my predisposition to really flat and anxious points merit some form of medication as I believe my mental illness, as it were, is a chemical imbalance that requires some medical intervention.

I have tried homeopathy, accupunture, etc with no real success. Boosted myself with fish oil, magnesium,etc with little improvement. Hope to hear from anyone who can shed a little light as to whether I go down the antideppresant path. Thanks.

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babstk 17 yrs ago
Hi. I'm supporting my boyfriend who has simliar problems. You're most welcome to contact me at I have spent hours and hours studying on the subject trying to understand, how to look after him, cope with his problems and our lives. So I have pretty much good idea what you are going through...

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babstk 17 yrs ago
My apology.. it is if you wish to write to me.

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SKDL 17 yrs ago
Having suffered from severe depression througout my life i'm pretty experienced on the topic. There are many types - some enviromental & some physical i.e. hormonal/chemical imbalance. As Cyrstal says above it's important to try & figure out which yours is so you can find out what the best treatment is. Even if you take the track of permanent anti-depresant medication there are lifestyle considerations that will help i.e. exercise & diet is very important to boost seratonine levels (alcohol reduce seratonine). Whatever you do, keep trying to sort it out to a more managable level & don't give up.

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ozcalgal 17 yrs ago
Sometimes a low dose anti-depressant like Prozac can be very helpful in this kind of situation. But as the previous posts said you also need to find out what triggers your moods and also work on establishing an exercise routine to boost natural seratonine levels in the brain and generally make you feel better. Do you have a good Dr who is experienced in this area? If not I recommend Dr Owens in OT & P in Central, 5th Floor Century Square. He has a lot of experience in this area and works with not only medications but behavioral therapy, exercise etc it.

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aidanmama 17 yrs ago
To your point about the med Zoloft, i was on it but it didnt agree with me on a higher dose, i had quite bad side effects. it is a hard one to wean off as well. but we are all different so it may treat u better. im trying a new one now and waiting for it to kick in. good luck!

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