What To Do If You Encounter a Snake in Bali

Posted by Ed 4 yrs ago
As reported by Tribun-bali.com, the change of seasons across Indonesia, including Bali, is linked to reports of an increasing number of snakes suddenly appearing in private residences.
Kadek Adi Saputra of Bali Reptile Rescue explains that the change of season is one of the reasons for the migration of snakes into private homes seeking an escape from flooded areas, in search of house rodents for food, and the more secure refuge afforded by the protective surroundings of private homes.
Saputra also cited a lack of household cleanliness that can serve as an invitation to snakes. Poor levels of hygiene attract rats to a household that in turn become an attractive food source for snakes. “But,” added Saputra, the main reason (for the migration of snakes) is actually the loss of the snake’s natural habitat due to development.
Quoting from a U.S. Humane Society Study, Saputra said snakes are suffering greatly from a loss of habitat. The normal habitats of snakes are being destroyed and undermined by the rapid rate of urban development.
The increasing number of sightings of snakes in residential settings is putting humans and their pets at risk, resulting in fear and loathing on the part of homeowners.
In a jungle setting, snake prey on birds, monkeys, and other animals who, experts say, have developed special voicing’s to raise an alarm when they are under threat by snakes.
A generalized fear of snakes results in the irrational reactions to their presence in domesticized human settings. Snakes are often killed when, in fact, the unfortunate reptile posed no real threat to the human population.
Bali Reptile Rescue’s Kadek Adi Saputra recommends the public to exercise caution when encountering a snake, but to always avoid causing injury or killing snakes. “Don’t try to capture a snake with an empty hand.
Don’t kill the snake. Urgently contact someone from the ‘reptile community,’ competent to handle reptiles. Snakes will not attack humans,” said Saputra.
Recommendations from the American Humane Society for situations in which you encounter a snake in your home include:
Remain calm and do not disturb the snake causing it to seek a hiding place.
Urgently contact someone from the local ‘reptile community’ with competence in handling snakes.
If possible, open a nearby door and carefully shepherd the snake out the door using a broom.
If you cannot ‘guide’ the snake out the door, and if the snake is small or coiled, slowly guide the snake to an empty bucket or wastebasket that can be covered to contain the snake until an experienced snake handler arrives on the scene.
If you encounter a snake outside your home, try to limit the reptile’s movements by coaxing it to a room of cornering it with boards or a box. This will assist the experienced snake handler when he or she arrives at your home.
If you know snakes are living near your home, but are having problems discovering their location, bear in mind that snakes prefer places that are warm and dark, such as piles of discarded junk.
If you are not frightened by snakes, believe you can handle the snake without causing injury to the snake or yourself and are sure the snake is not venomous – you could consider using thick gloves to gently lift and move the snake.
Ron Lilley of Ron Lilley's Bali Snake Patrol he offered the following additional, contrasting thoughts:
  • Consider snake proofing your home. Clean up rubbish and bush piles and block off nooks and crannies favored as snake dens.
  • Gloves will not necessarily protect you from a venomous snakebite and could create a "false sense of security." A venomous snake's fangs can easily penetrate a pair of gloves.
  • Check local hospitals to see if they are set up to handle snakebite cases and if they stock anti-venom. Doing this in advance will save precious time lost going to a medical center that is unprepared to treat snakebites.
Most importantly, Ron Lilley said: "Be alert and leave snakes alone, and no one will get hurt!"

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