Hong Kong Ice Hockey – Time for Change

Posted by Ed 3 yrs ago

On behalf of the China Hockey Group (CHG), we have raised a number of concerns about the Hong Kong Ice Hockey Association (HKIHA) and the HKIHA’s role in developing the sport of ice hockey in Hong Kong. We firmly believe that for ice hockey to succeed in Hong Kong, there must be changes to the HKIHA, namely through an open election in 2022 in order to be more representative of the sport in Hong Kong.

To continue to grow ice hockey in Hong Kong, strong leadership is required. We have outlined our concerns (https://www.juniortigershockey.com/our-values/time-for-change) to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) which include a number of questions for each concern that have been raised by several members, parents and players of the Hong Kong ice hockey community.

The purpose of this is to articulate a number of serious and interrelated issues involving the HKIHA. We have included the LCSD’s answers to these questions and, above all, attempted to advocate for change in the HKIHA to benefit the development of ice hockey in Hong Kong.

Ice hockey is a wonderful sport enjoyed by increasingly more and more children and adults in Hong Kong. There is a lot of potential for Hong Kong to further develop and to succeed in this sport at an International level.
However, for this to occur Hong Kong ice hockey needs an Association that leads with a strategic vision, acts with transparency and integrity, and works with its’ members for the best of the sport. We wish to see success across the men, women and junior players and we wish to see Hong Kong Government funds being spent wisely on the development of the sport.

We firmly believe that for ice hockey to succeed in Hong Kong, changes must be made to the HKIHA, namely through an open election in 2022 in order to be more representative of the sport in Hong Kong.

If you agree, please sign the petition to support the call for an open and fair election for the Hong Kong Ice Hockey Association.

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Ed 3 yrs ago
Why Hong Kong’s ice hockey players are feeling shut out, with the official governing body accused of intimidation, exclusivity and failing to improve the sport
One of the first ice hockey games to take place in Hong Kong ended rather theatrically. In 1984, Swire Group opened a tiny rink at Taikoo Shing’s Cityplaza, and while it was an improvement on the old Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park ice rink, which had only metal handrails for boards, the new sheet of ice presented another challenge – it was right in the middle of a shopping mall.
During a heated game, an errant slapshot flew over the boards and smashed the window of a clothing store, sending screaming customers ducking for cover.
“I can neither confirm nor deny that it was me,” says Gary Lawrence, with a chuckle. “I think it was tipped, so I can’t take credit, or the blame for it.”

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