Helper delays from PH Government?

Posted by tttlow 8 yrs ago

We applied for a PH helper though an agency before Xmas. The agency now tells us that the PH government is delaying helper visas or something like that - not just ours but 'all'. Does anyone have a similar experience or is it just BS from the agency?


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hkwatcher 8 yrs ago
Call the Phils Consulate and ask them if this agency is still processing or has been told they cannot process until it is in compliance with rules governing agencies. The number is
2866 0640.

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tttlow 8 yrs ago
Many thanks - interestingly enough, they asked me to send them an email with all the information which ended in

WIll keep everyone advised on what happens next

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hkwatcher 8 yrs ago
Yes, they do love their Yahoo!
Most of Philippines does not have good internet so they rely on Facebook since it is so accessable via phone. It seems the new Prsident is going to address this problem of internet soon so things may change.

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tttlow 8 yrs ago
Actually, did a reverse search on the yahoo address and they seem legit.

Was able to help so happy to share with all.

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