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Job Description

About us:

- Dad, Mom, 10month old boy and 3 year old rescue dog small/ medium size

- Live on HK island


- Taking toddler to playdates, classes, and enjoy playing at home together   

- Dog care

- Housework

- Cooking (shared with mom)

Looking for:

- English speaking Filipino auntie already in HK with finished contract/ near finish or terminated due to relocation

- Flexi start date 

- Experience with baby/toddler and dog

- Dog lover

- Kind, patient, caring, fun and playful 

- Open to be a team player with the parents, and willingness to learn new skills

- References from previous employer(s) who can be contacted 

What we offer:

- Competitive salary based on experience

- Own room & bathroom

General Information

Salary HKD Per Month (NUMBERS ONLY) 5000
Day Off Flexible
Living Arrangement Private room
Residence Size 970sqft
Number of children to be cared for 1
Ages of children to be cared for Baby: newborn
General Household Experience Required Air-con filters cleaning, Cleaning floors, Dusting, Furniture cleaning, General living and dining areas tidying and organizing, Grocery shopping, Ironing, Laundry, Vacuuming, Watering plants
Cooking Skills Required Chinese, Western
Pet care Dog
Nationality Filipino
Currently Located In Hong Kong
Minimum Age 35
Religion Any
Maximum Age 50
Minimum Years of Experience 5
Gender Female
Reasons for Leaving Current Job Finished Contract, Employer Relocation, Financial Reasons